Top Leagues - Background MEGAPACKS
Pack Details: The Top Leagues contains the top clubs of many, many nations. Currently, the MEGAPACK is split into six seperate pieces, as downloading all of them is too massive for any site to hold. There are many people and sites that have given genrously of their time and knowledge, namely my main man kumquat_s from FM-View, Bard, Orthodox, and company over at SerbianFM, and the FMXpert boys led by the always fantastic Jonas. Without these lads, this never would have worked.
Last year, these packs were downloaded over 35,000 times. It was a massive project met with an equally massive response. All combined, these packs were the result of over 700+ hours of work. So you can fathom that it's a bit large. As this is a six-part download, I will list all the nations in each version (note that version 1.01 has two parts), so that way you can see what it is that you are getting in each. If you are really observant, you may notice that there is not a version 1.02 - I have combined all of 1.02 into version 1.03 so that there is one less download.
I have not updated anything as of yet for FM12 - so the leagues will have some shifting and relegating of clubs between them. If you want everything that I have done in a particual nation, I suggest going to that nation's download page, where you will get a bunch more stadiums than what is in these.
Fine job!
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